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Version: v7

Capacitor Community Plugins

The community has built a number of Capacitor plugins to add functionality to your app.

There are a number of ways to find community plugins: Search the web or npm to find any published plugins, or explore the official Capacitor Community GitHub org and npm scope for a curated list of quality, community-supported Capacitor plugins.

Capacitor Community

The official Capacitor Community GitHub org and npm scope is a new effort to curate the best Capacitor community-supported plugins and provide consistent project and code conventions. The Capacitor core team facilitates work but does not officially maintain any plugins in this org.

Explore the Capacitor Community ›


The Capawesome GitHub org is another community project by one of our Ionic Developer Experts with the goal of providing awesome Capacitor plugins for the entire community. Among others, this includes capacitor-firebase and capacitor-mlkit. Check out the Capawesome Blog or Twitter to stay up to date.

Cordova Ecosystem

Capacitor has support for most Cordova plugins, so developers can use the hundreds of existing Cordova plugins in their Capacitor apps. While certain Cordova plugins are not compatible with Capacitor, most are, so it's worth trying one if there's no existing Capacitor-specific plugin available.

Also see the @awesome-cordova-plugins Community plugins for a list of primarily Cordova plugins with convenient wrappers to make them easier to use in your apps. Feel free to use the @awesome-cordova-plugins Community wrappers or simply use the list as a reference for quality Cordova plugins.